BETAFPV からまたまた、いい感じのシネウープが登場です!
その名も Pavo25!
今回、Frame Kit と FC を BETAFPV さんからご提供いただきました!
BETAFPV さん、いつも本当にありがとうございます!
商品リンク:Pavo25 Whoop Quadcopter
Banggood: https://bit.ly/3P46Jp5
商品リンク:Pavo25 Frame Kit
Banggood: https://bit.ly/3QrB6H1
その他パーツ & ギア
- Axisflying AF144 1404 4510KV
- Toothpick F405 2-4S AIO Brushless Flight Controller 20A (BLHELI_32)
- ELRS Nano Receiver
- Gemfan D63 3-Blade Propellers 1.5mm Shaft
- Toothpick F405 2-4S AIO Brushless Flight Controller 20A (BLHELI_32)
- Caddx Nebula Pro Nano Vista Kit
- DJI Action 2 Power Combo
BETAFPV は、多くのドローンをリリースしている、世界的な超人気ドローンメーカー。先進的なプロダクトをいち早くFPVファンに提供する、FPV業界を牽引するFPVテックカンパニー
Pavo25 開封 & 組み立て
Toothpick F405 2-4S AIO Brushless Flight Controller 20A (BLHELI_32) をセットでご提供いただきました。
僕はAxisファンでもあるので、モーターはAxisflying AF144 1404 4510KVをチョイス!好きなパーツで組むのがビルドの醍醐味😻
Toothpick F405 2-4S AIO Brushless Flight Controller 20A (BLHELI_32) は、モーターコネクタはない Lite な仕上がりになっています。しかしこのサイズのウープだと利用するモーターによってはモーターの方がコネクタ付きと言うこともあると思います。それを考慮してFCにハンダ付けする用のコネクタがついています。コネクタをハンダ付けするよりモーターワイヤーをカットして直でハンダ付けした方が楽な気はしますが。。。今回僕が使ったAxisflying AF144 1404 4510KVは、元々コネクタはついていないのでダイレクトにFCにハンダ付けしました。
写真内の注釈の通り、ELRSレシーバーを使う場合、このPort1しか使えません。ちなみにGPSもこのPort1しか使えないので、結果としてELRSレシーバーを使う場合はGPSは使えません。OMG😢これは痛い。ちなみに、BETAFPVが公式的にCLIを公開していますが、このCLIを実行しても改善しません。CLI for Pavo 25
Pavo25 完成
Pavo25 レビュー
メイデンはと言うと、センス抜群のカフェ The Neighborhood Spot 204 の店内でフライトでさせていただきました😍
-Brunch&Casual Bar-
The Neighborhood Spot 204
Bar 火曜〜日曜 18:00〜25:00
Brunch 土日祝 10:00~15:00
オーナーこだわりのお店づくりの裏側の様子も興味深い 👉 https://ameblo.jp/texas88mm/entry-12666523149.html
Pavo25 はこう言うセンスあるロケーションにフィットしてる感じが良い👍
店構えがすごいオシャレ👍 アメリカンなムードがあります。
Pavo25 外観
かなりの安定感、2.5インチとは思えない感じ。自慢じゃないのですが、僕はドローン初めて以来レースもフリスタもシネウープもTinyも全て同じレートで飛ばしてて割とハイレートなんですが、Pavo25をタイトな環境で飛ばしてすごい安定感を感じました。 HAJIFPVのレートです。実は一度もレートを変えた事がない 笑
メンテナンス性 や 使い勝手
道具なしでUSBケーブルを繋げるので設定はいつでも楽に変えられます。構造がとてもシンプルでビルドがとても楽でした。地味にすごいなと思ったのが、リポを固定する設計です。TPUパーツで挟み込む設計になっていて秀逸です。細かいところですが、考え抜かれた設計だなと感じます。魂は細部に宿る?笑 ここは是非Pavo25を入手して直接感じてください。
おすすめできるクアッドです。BETAFPVの新製品は毎回進化を感じるので好きです。このクアッドと相性が良いアクションカムは間違いなくDJI Action2だと思います。ぜひセットで飛ばしてみてください。楽しい映像が沢山撮れます!
The Pavo25 Whoop Quadcopter is a 2.5-inch FPV pusher drone developed by BETAFPV. The new frame design optimizes its structure to decrease complex components and only requires 6 screws to assemble the whoop duct and drone, which is convenient to build. Made of high-quality PA12 material, it features a strong injected mold frame for durable use. What’s more, it supports carrying many FPV cameras available in the market for FPV shots. Also, it adopts Caddx Nebula Pro Nano Vista Kit for the HD Digital version, and Caddx Baby Ratel2+A03 400mW 5.8G for the Analog VTX version. Pavo25 is the cinewhoop for you to fly both indoors and outdoors!
Note: Walksnail HD Digitial VTX version is released now. It should be used with Walksnail goggles, which you need to buy separately. By the way, Pavo25 Walksnail Whoop Kit will be launched next week, including Walksnail goggles, LiteRadio 3, and Pavo25 Walksnail Whoop Quadcopter. The kit version including Walksnail googles is sold as a limited edition. First come, first served.
Bullet Point
- Only 6 screws to assemble the whoop duct and drone, convenient to build. The Pavo25 whoop quadcopter sports a reasonable design of structure assembly that is optimized to decrease complex components, making the build easy.
- Equipped with a CNC Vista Adapter. It effectively provides the Caddx Vista HD Digital VTX with a good cool down by increasing the heat dissipation area, ensuring a flight in a safe VTX RF power, especially which is important for long-distance flight.
- The Pavo25 whoop quadcopter adopts an innovative pusher frame with a duct design, which generates more lift for the whole quadcopter, improving the ability of endurance and propulsion.
- Made of high-quality PA12 material and 2.5mm carbon fiber. With a strong and durable frame kit, the Pavo25 whoop quadcopter grants more stable flight and optimizes the vibration damping structure for the camera mount, allowing pilots to get an excellent experience.
- User-friendly designs. The USB port on the top of the frame makes it convenient to configure the quadcopter. Pavo25 whoop quadcopter features a rear LED with colorful lights, giving a cool and visual performance in the dark.
- Balance layout for the whole quadcopter. When carrying an action camera like SMO 4K, or DJI Action 2, you can move the battery position and add the second battery strap to keep the center of gravity, preventing it from tilting to one side.
- The HD digital VTX version boasts a colorful and excellent image with 720P/120FPS high frame rate video in Nebula Pro Nano camera, bringing the feast for the eyes.
- The Analog VTX version comes with a Caddx Baby Ratel2 camera that has a 1/18″ inch starlight HDR sensor with 1200TVL resolution, and A03 400mW VTX which is an open-source video transmitter with PIT/RCE/100mW/400mW adjustable output power.
- Walksnail HD VTX version equips with Walksnail Avatar HD Kit. Provides 1080P recording with 22ms ultra-low latency. Dual-antenna design for up to 4 km long-range transmission. Build-in 8 GB storage, it is convenient for recording video and can be exported by USB cable. Supports Betaflight full OSD display through Canvas Mode on Avatar VTX.
- Weight: 153.3g (Caddx HD), 146g (Walksnail HD), 140g (Analog), Without battery and action camera
- Wheelbase: 108mm
- Frame: Pavo25 Frame Kit
- Motor: 1404 4500KV Brushless motor
- Battery Connector: XT30
- Props: Gemfan D63-3B (Gray)
- Flight Controller: F405 AIO 20A Toothpick V4 BMI270
- VTX: Caddx Nebula Pro Nano Vista Kit (HD Digital)/Caddx Baby Ratel2+A03 400mW 5.8G (Analog), Walksnail Avatar HD Digital Kit (HD Digital)
- Camera Adjustable Angle: 0°-50°
- Receiver Version: PNP/ELRS 2.4G/TBS (Optional)
- Recommend Battery: 4S 750mAh/4S 850mAh (Not included)
- Recommend Mounted Cam: SMO 4K, DJI Action 2
- Flight Time (Reference Only): 7.5 mins (HD)/8.5 mins (Analog), using 4S 750mAh battery without an action camera
Note: The actual flight time depends on the flight environment and the flight mode.
Comparison to Beta95X V3
Let’s see what has changed in the updates for Pavo25 Whoop Quadcopter. Compared with the Beta95X V3, Pavo25 is made of PA12 material with injected molding, which improves the stability of the flight, dampening the noise and eliminating the Jelly Effect. Besides, with an optimized damping structure and no need for rubber dumpers, it is able to carry more heavy action cameras like DJI Action 2. What’s more, large capacity batteries like 4S 750mAh/850mAh are supported, which ensures a long-time flight and endurance.

Camera & VTX System
Pavo25 Whoop Quadcopter Analog VTX version comes with a Caddx Baby Ratel2 camera that has a 1/18″ inch starlight HDR sensor with 1200TVL resolution, and an A03 400mW OpenVTx video transmitter which supports SmartAudio&Tramp protocol with PIT/RCE/100/400mW adjustable output power. Therefore, pilots can customize the output power and frequency to explore more possibilities and have fun.
Pavo25 Whoop Quadcopter HD Digital version equips with Caddx Nebula Pro Nano Vista Kit that perfectly supports DJI goggles. With DJI goggles, it can provide 720p/120FPS digital high-definition picture and a transmission output range up to 4km. Users can select 25mW/200mW/500mW/700mW from DJI goggle settings. The total weight (excluding the antenna) is 23g only. Besides, it is smaller and designed for whoop drones.
Walksnail HD Digital VTX
Pavo25 Whoop Quadcopter Walksnail HD Digital VTX version features Avatar HD Kit with Avatar HD system that uses H.265 high-efficiency video coding, an industry-leading technology, providing 1080P/720P resolution image recording with 22ms ultra-low latency. The signals are stronger and more stable with a dual-antenna design for up to 4 km long-range transmission. Build-in 8 GB storage, the Avatar VTX has the capability of recording HD video without interference from capacity and exporting video by USB cable. Besides, with Canvas Mode on Avatar VTX, Betaflight full OSD display is supported and can be adjusted easily by remote control.
Pavo25 Frame Kit
Pavo25 frame is made of high-quality PA12 material with strong and durable injected molding, which grants more stable flight and no fear of damage. The whole frame with pusher and duct design can generate more lift for the whole quadcopter, improving the ability of endurance and propulsion. Besides, the vibration damping structure for the camera mount is optimized to carry an action camera easily, allowing pilots to have an excellent experience.
What’s more, it comes with a CNC Vista Adapter, which effectively provides the Caddx Vista HD Digital VTX with a good cool down by increasing the heat dissipation area, reducing the influence of heat on VTX.
Note: If you need to buy CNC Vista Adapter separately, please click here. This CNC Vista Adapter is not suitable for Walksnail Avatar VTX. The Walksnail HD VTX version includes a CNC adapter designed for Walksnail Avatar VTX.
Pavo25 whoop quadcopter is equipped with the Toothpick F405 AIO 20A FC V4 BMI270, it extremely reduces the weight while improving the ability of the ESC to continuous current 20A, and brings pilots more power to fly the Pavo25 quad! Meanwhile, 20A FC V4 has 2 pin connector ports for DJI Digital VTX and RX, just plug & play, less solder work needed, and super easy to install.
Motor & Props
Gemfan D63 3-Blades Props is designed for inverted installation, and it brings pilots a smooth flight! It is more durable and more powerful and offers pilots a high-efficiency flight experience. Equipped with the 1404 4500KV Brushless motor, it brings a stronger power and lower noise, which will give pilots an unprecedented flying experience.
The Pavo25 Whoop Quadcopter also comes with “props out” by default. Why do we need “Props out” direction?
Default Betaflight props direction, quadcopter dips, and “washes out” in hard corners. With reversed props or “props out”, no more dipping even in the hardest cornering.
First of all, Many thanks to UAV Tech and Gal Kremer who devoted their time and energies to the testing of Pavo25 Whoop Quadcopter.
CLI files for Pavo25 Whoop Quadcopter are published, including stable and flexible versions for choice. The flexible version provides more agile flight experience while the stable version features a better balance flight experience.
STL file for Pavo25 Series. If you need 3D printing parts to custom your Pavo25.
Click here to download Walksnail Avatar VTX Kit manual.
- 1 * Pavo25 Whoop Quadcopter (HD Digital VTX, Walksnail HD Digital VTX, or Analog VTX)
- 4 * Gemfan D63 (2CW+2CCW) 3-Blades Props
- 1 * Spare 180mm Battery Strap
- 2 * Spare EVA Foam Tape (Black)
- 2 * Spare EVA Foam Tape (Red)
- 4 * 3M Double-Sided Tapes
- 1 * SMO4K Camera Mount
- 1 * SMO4K Power Cable
- 1 * M5*18 Screws
- 1 * M5 Anti-slip Nut
- 10 * M2*7 Screws
- 1 * Walksnail VTX USB Cable (only included in Walksnail HD VTX version)
Note: Currently, A03 5.8G VTX for the Analog version is out of stock. We temporarily changed the A03 5.8G VTX to A02 5.8G VTX. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Batteries and SMO 4K Camera are not included in the package. You can get it here for 750mAh 4S battery/ 850mAh 4S battery and SMO 4K camera.